§ 14.08.060. Standards concerning excavation activity.  

Latest version.
  • Upon securing a permit, all utilities shall abide by the following excavation standards:


    Repair broken lines. The utility shall immediately notify an affected utility of any damage to their plant or equipment.


    Project coordination. The utility shall insure adequate and timely notice to fire, emergency medical and police agencies and attempt to coordinate its work with the schedule for other construction work. It is the responsibility of the utility to see that proper traffic signs, detours and safeguards are provided, and that property owners affected are notified.


    Traffic routing. Where traffic is affected, the utility shall provide that proper signing and safeguards be in accordance with the Alaska Traffic Manual and shall notify fire, emergency medical, police and school bus transportation agencies to obtain clearance for the type of detour, time and other limitations imposed.


    Closing roads. When traffic conditions permit, the borough may, by written approval, permit the closing of roads to all traffic for a necessary period of time. Such approval may require the utility to give notification to various public agencies and to the general public.


    Clearance for vital structures. The excavation work shall be performed and conducted so as not to interfere with access to fire hydrants, fire stations, fire escapes, water gates, underground vaults, valve housing structures and all other vital equipment unless approved on the permit.


    Restoration of right-of-way. The right-of-way shall be restored to the grade and condition originally found. Gravel, paving or seal coating, ditches, culverts, fences, signs or other improvements shall be replaced, unless specific direction to the contrary is authorized in writing by the borough. Failure to do so will be cause for the borough to accomplish the required work and to collect damages from the utility.


    Unpaved roads. In the case of unpaved roads, nothing but non-frost susceptible material shall be placed in the excavation and six inches of good Type B gravel on the driving surface except where the existing road itself is not built according to these standards in which case the excavation shall be refilled as nearly as possible as found. The excavation and adjacent areas shall be graded to leave the site in the same condition than prior to the excavation.


    Paved roads. In the case of paved roads, 26 inches of Type A material, six inches of Type B material and two inches of D1 leveling course shall be placed in the excavation before overlaying the area with 2 inches of hot asphaltic concrete. The excavation shall be guaranteed for three years against settling. Any area that has settled within three years shall be promptly rectified at no cost to the borough.


    Clean up. As the excavation work progresses, all roads shall be thoroughly cleaned of all rubbish, excess earth, rock and other debris caused by the construction. All existing drainage ways shall remain free and unobstructed. All clean up operations shall be accomplished at the expense of the Utility and shall be completed to the satisfaction of the borough.


    Prompt completion of work. After an excavation is commenced, the work shall be promptly completed and the road restored to its original condition as soon as possible.


    Urgent work: The borough shall have the authority to condition the issuance of a permit upon the utility's operating on a twenty-four hour per day schedule, in order to complete an excavation as soon as possible when required by traffic conditions, safety or the convenience of the traveling public.


    Emergency action. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the making of such excavations as may be necessary for the preservation of life or property or for the location of trouble in conduit or pipe, or for making repairs, provided that the person making such excavation shall make a reasonable effort to notify police dispatch of the location of the emergency excavation. A utility excavating on an emergency basis in a roadway shall apply for a permit on the first working day after such work is commenced.


    Existing survey monuments shall be protected and if disturbed or destroyed by construction activities, they will be replaced in accordance with AS 34.65.040.

(Ord. No. 94-56, § 1(part), 1995)